Membership of the VSI/e

Becoming a member of the VSI/e is possible when you have graduated from the faculty Chemical Engineering and Chemistry of the Eindhoven University of Technology.

We accept graduates from both bachelor and master. 

The membership of the VSI/e will give you access to several activities organised by the VSI/e. You can find the membership requirements below: 

  • For graduates of the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry department of the TU/e
  • Multiple activities including: career evening, theme event, summer BBQ.
  • Networking with fellow students
  • Keep involved in the TU/e and science updates
  • Only for 15 euro a year! 

How to subscribe

Option 1: Subscribe via the general TU/e Alumni Community

If you want to become a new member of the VSI/e, please do this via TU/e Alumni Community. After subscription, search for the Circle of VSI/e and register yourself as a member of the VSI/e. We will contact you via email with more information.

NOTE: In case you have any challenges in this process, please let the TU/e Alumni Office know via: 

Option 2: Fill out the form below

If you need assistance in requesting VSI/e membership. please contact us via: 

Extraordinary membership

When you have received your Bachelor degree and are busy doing your Masters, we maybe have something interesting for you: the extraordinary membership. Exclusive for Masterstudents who already want to benefit from the advantages of the VSI/e. Since the study costs are still high for you, we offer the membership for free! In this way you can see what the VSI/e can do for you!

  • Invited for all activities of the VSI/e
  • Opportunity to network with members who are already graduated
  • Membership is free when still studying!

If you want to become an extraordinary member, please do this via the form below. 

How to change your personal data

If you want to change e.g. address, email, please do this via the following steps:

  1. Go to the VSI/e circle in the TU/e Alumni Community and click on the tab Directory.
  2. Then, click on the tab: Profile. Here, you can edit your personal information.

NOTE: TU/e information which is incorrect, please let them know via: 

NOTE: If your IBAN number has changed, please send the information by email to: . This cannot be done via the profile on the alumni community. 

How to stop your membership

If you want to stop your membership of the VSI/e, please follow below steps:

  1. Go to the VSI/e circle in the TU/e Alumni Community and click "Manage". 
  2. Click on "Membership".
  3. Click on: "Leave circle". 

PS: if you are not part of the VSI/e circle of the TU/e Alumni Community yet, since you never activated your account, please contact us via: .